dusk mountains, Alaska

Workout method for busy travelers

I’m going to kick things off by diving into the high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout method. This isn’t just a fitness fad; it’s a structured approach to exercise that maximizes intensity in short bursts to achieve significant fitness gains. You’re going to find out what this workout is all about and why it’s been used by fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

HIIT training isn’t something that emerged overnight. It’s rooted in scientific principles and has evolved over time, adapting to our increasingly hectic lifestyles that demand quick yet effective workout sessions. I’m here to help you understand how this method fits perfectly into a travel lifestyle where time is a precious commodity.

The method is simple; you perform a high-intensity exercise for short bursts of time with an all-out effort, (usually between 20-30 seconds), take a short 10-30-second rest, then repeat. This sequence is repeated for a series of rounds, targeting different muscle groups. Whether you’re squeezing in a workout on a layover, or looking to push your training into new limits, the hint workout is designed for modern life’s pace and travel lifestyles.

push-ups, travel, flight attendant, HIIT

This brings us to why HIIT training is more than a quick fix for a busy day—it’s a science-backed strategy to get fit, stay healthy, and push your limits. So, what’s the secret sauce behind HIIT that translates short, intense bursts of exercise into impressive fitness gains?

Unlocking the Science: Why HIIT Training Gets Results

HIIT training isn’t just a random method strung together; there’s solid science that backs up its effectiveness. Let’s peel back the layers and explore what’s going on under the hood.

At its heart, the high-intensity interval training (HIIT), has been shown to boost cardiovascular fitness, increase speed, and build endurance. By alternating between short bursts of intense effort and fixed periods of lower intensity, the body responds by improving its aerobic and anaerobic systems.

One of the key physiological responses to this type of training includes what’s known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This is where your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate even after the workout is over – essentially giving you more bang for your buck.

What’s more, studies suggest that this method can also raise your metabolic rate, meaning you’ll consume more calories throughout the day, not just during exercise. It’s a one-two punch of burning calories and building muscle that makes HIIT so effective.

Now, beyond the physical, there’s the psychological aspect. The short, shock of a HIIT workout can boost your mood, thanks to the endorphins released during high-intensity efforts. Plus, the variety and pace can keep boredom at bay, which is key to maintaining long-term exercise engagement.

weight training, HIIT, good mornings

If you travel often, carrying a workout routine across timezones, and working around irregular sleep schedules can be very challenging. If you’ve every visit hotel gyms, sometimes access to full equipment of normal gyms can be disappointing. HIIT training can be adapted and use in multiple venues with room to include a variety of exercises that require little to no equipment.

It’s clear HIIT training is not just another fitness fad since it has been around for years now. It’s steeped in scientific and empirical evidence that can help you reach your fitness goals faster. Now, the next part is crucial: How do you fold this workout powerhouse into your life? The next section has you covered with practical advice on making HIIT training work for you.

Maximizing Your Workout: How to Implement HIIT Effectively

I’m going to walk you through how to kick off your fitness routine using HIIT. This isn’t just about doing a set of exercises; it’s also about doing them correctly to maximize their effectiveness. If you want to get started, choose something that resonates with you within the HIIT framework.

You’re going to find out about structuring your workouts. Start by warming up to prepare your body for the intense burst that’s to come. Then, when you’re ready, launch into 20 seconds of high-intensity effort followed by a 10-second complete rest. Repeat this pattern, for up to 4 rounds before taking a full minute break. You should always listening to your body and adjusting as necessary. Don’t worry too much about how many cycles you do at first; focus on maintaining good form.

Remember, your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. Regularly assess how the workouts are impacting your health and fitness. You can always adjust your approach down the road, adding more cycles or increasing the intensity as you build stamina and strength.

Safety must be a priority, so ensure you’re using proper technique and protecting yourself from injury. If you’re unsure, seek advice from a certified fitness professional. If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out my IG coaching page where I share my personal workouts as well as client stories.

I really hope that you see HIIT as a versatile and dynamic way to enhance your fitness routine. It offers a blend of flexibility and structure that can lead to substantial improvements in your exercise performance and overall health.

Hope you feel inspired to give one of these workouts a try!


2 thoughts on “Workout method for busy travelers

  1. Hey Lee!

    Great breakdown on HIIT! I’ve been hearing a lot about its effectiveness, but your post really shed light on the science behind it. My question is, how do you recommend adjusting HIIT routines for beginners who might not be accustomed to such intense workouts? Looking forward to trying out your suggestions on my next trip!


    1. Hey Stratos! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and great question. The nice thing about HIIT is you can choose any exercises and choose your own intensity. For beginners, I’d recommend choosing some familiar or basic movements, (like squats, bicep curls, step ups), to get the rhythm and then layer in some more challenging exercises or new movements as you get comfortable. I’ve done an entire 8 minute HIIT workout with just 2 moves and no equipment. You can add speed walking or running as an option as well so you get the movement outside. There are so many options out there! Hope that helps. Check back if I can direct you for more or check out my IG for exercise inspiration. Happy Monday! 

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