dusk mountains, Alaska

Seward’s Folly: Alaska’s Acquisition

Did you know today is an official holiday in Alaska? Welcome to Seward’s Day! In honor of today, I am covering the history of this momentous holiday, including why we dub the transaction sparking this holiday, “Seward’s Folly.” I’ll also be following up this historical commemoration with another article sharing my experience at one of Seward’s most beautifully serene escapes called Orca Islands. But first, let’s dive into the history of this holiday.

Seward, resurrection bay

What is Seward’s Day?
Seward’s Day stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of Alaska’s history, commemorating a pivotal moment in the state’s past. This annual observance, held on the last Monday of March, pays homage to the foresight and diplomacy of William H. Seward, whose negotiation secured the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. What circumstances lead to the acquisition of Alaska and why do we call it”Seward’s Folly?”

A Bold Vision:
The story of Seward’s Day begins with William H. Seward, the U.S. Secretary of State under President Andrew Johnson. In the mid-19th century, Seward envisioned expanding American territory westward, seeking to assert the nation’s influence on the global stage. Despite initial skepticism and opposition, Seward remained steadfast in his belief in the potential of Alaska.

Seward, harbor

The Alaska Purchase:
On March 30, 1867, after months of negotiations, the United States and the Russian Empire finalized the Alaska Purchase Treaty, officially transferring ownership of Alaska to the United States for the sum of $7.2 million. The acquisition, initially dubbed “Seward’s Folly” by critics who deemed it a wasteful expenditure, would later be recognized as a shrewd investment and a strategic acquisition.

Strategic Significance:
While the purchase of Alaska was met with ridicule and skepticism at the time, subsequent events would vindicate Seward’s vision. The discovery of gold in the late 19th century sparked a rush of settlers to the region, leading to the establishment of thriving communities and economic development. Moreover, Alaska’s strategic importance became evident during World War II, as the territory served as a crucial outpost for military operations in the Pacific.

Seward, alaska

The Legacy of Seward’s Day:
Over time, Seward’s Day has evolved into a cherished observance in Alaska, symbolizing the spirit of perseverance, foresight, and optimism. Each year, Alaskans gather to celebrate their state’s unique heritage, reflecting on the transformative impact of the Alaska Purchase on the region’s history and identity.

Seward’s Day stands as a reminder of the enduring legacy of William H. Seward and the pivotal role he played in shaping the destiny of Alaska. From a controversial acquisition to a cherished tradition, Seward’s Day encapsulates the resilience and determination of the Alaskan spirit. As Alaskans come together to commemorate this historic occasion, they honor the vision of those who came before them and reaffirm their commitment to the future of the Last Frontier.

As always,

Nourish your wanderlust, Elevate your Vitality


Additional Note:
It’s worth mentioning that Seward’s Day is a state holiday in Alaska, during which government offices and many businesses are closed to observe the occasion. I learned this lesson the hard way when I tried to take my kids to swimming without remembering these observances. Parades, community events, and educational programs are often organized to mark the day and celebrate Alaska’s unique history and culture.

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